

New port news Via Dec 10th 1862
Dear Wife
I inform you by these few
lines that we left harrisburg on the
2nd Inst at about 5 oclock and
landed at Baltimore the next
morning and there we got Breakfast
and dinner and then we Started
for Washington and Arived there
that night and Stayed there
until the next Evening then
they marched us Into a field
and we encamped there and
Stayed 1 day and 2 nights
and then we left for fortress
monroe we got Into a Steam
boat and went down the
Potomac River out of that
we got Into the Chesapeak bay
and there we Seen fish as
large as a yearling Calf
[page 2]
and in the evening the wind got
up so high that we could go no
farther and then we Ancherd
there for 32 hours the plase was
called Point du pond and
then on Monday we Started
off there and landed at fortress
Monroe that evening and
got bread and water and then
we Started for this plase and
we arrived here at 10 oclock
in the night but we stayed
in the Ship till morning
and then we incamped In
a field were Gen wool
fought the great battle we
founed bullets and graves
of horrses and men further
the distance that we are
from home is 327 miles
my ink is all [1] i Will take the
Pensyl for to rite to you now
[Page 3]
An further my Dear I Want
to tell me if aron is Well yet
and Weather He is going to
Come after us and What aild
him if he dont come it is
used and very hard if he
is going to Come he must
Come to Washington my Dear
i have no Peace no more nore
any rest further i Pray
evry Day for me and you
o if i only Could see you
once more and Mother to a
gain i want you to Pray
for me in truth and Mother
Wee git small rashons Now
i cant fore git you no i
Cant my Dear my love is
great my hart is soft all
the time tell me if you
are Well i am so midlen
tobacgo one Dollar a Plug
[Page 4]
and that is true my love My
Money is very little that i
have now and no other money
Will Pass But shin plasters
i want you to send me some
Post stamps and invelops
and Paper i want you to
rite evry Week to me if you
Can my love i had to rite
With a led pensyl fore they
got the ink from me be
fore i Was Done i have [?]on
Cloth With [here?] Where i am
now i here the Cannons
Rore evry Day and guns
Where i am not far of[f]
But i Do not no What it
means i Would like to now
What luck you had With
Buthering at home if i only
had my Boots here yet for
they Wood help me agreat eal [2]
i hope the Lord Will Bless you
and this letter and Words i rote
to you on this letter
[page 5]
of the ground yet this
is A island Called New
port News in the state
of Virginia When Wee left
Harrisburg for to go to Baltimore
We got to Baltimore we eat
diner and supper that Day
and that night Wee left for
Washington and When Wee got
there Wee Was there to
Days and then Wee left there
and further Wee got to
fortress Monroe Wee stopped
1 our for Bread and
Water for Wee had no more
to Eat further Wee left
then and Went to this
Battleground Wich you
read A Bove Wee have
something to Eat yet But
it is not like at harris
Burg Was
[6th page]
you Will direct your letter
this Way on any thing you
send to me My tobacgo is
all most All now [3]
New Port News virginia
172 Regment Company
F Pensylva malishe in
Care of Cap H Harrison
nomore at Present my
Dear all i Can say Pray
fore Do Pray Cast your
Care on Jeses our savour

your Dear Husband
Charles, W, Spire
lord Bless me Amen
no more at Present
thes Battle ground is A
Hororble sight But now furth
er i Wont

  1. all = all gone, used up
  2. a great deal
  3. All = all gone
  4. Added upside down at bottom of page
December 10, 1862


Co. F, 172nd Pennsylvania Infantry
Residence (County): 
Dauphin County, PA


Residence (County): 
Dauphin County, PA


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Bambi Whitaker
Transcription Date: 
August, 2012
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
September, 2012

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
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eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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