Yorktown Va June the 20 172 Regment Company F
Dear Wife i Again Seat my Self down With the Greatest pleasure
to drop you Afew Cheering lines for you Wich i think Will pleas
you And Make you feel Glad first is my dear i am Well and in
Good spirits my Dear And beloved Wife here i have Seated my self
for to rite the last letter in yorktown And nou whe Are to leave
here there is Some 40 thousands troops Coming here And the half of
them Are here nou And they Are Going to take Richmond nou or fite for
it And the boats Are Coming fast full of troops for Richmond
And i Expect till the 22th or 23th the boats Will be here for
us if All Goes rite nou i Will tell you of our Jurney First Whe
Will pas through Virginia State second Whe will pas through
the state of Murland then through part of our own State
Pensylvania Whe will Either incamp at Carelial [1] or
Cumberland Valley or at harrisburg But our Colonel
Says at harrisburg fort that is What i think Will cheer you
up our Colonel had Called us out to the head quarters
yesterday And he Ask us if whe did like to go to our
State for to Save it And Whe All Sed that Whe all
Would Sunner Save our own state than to have it
all torn up by the rebles then he red a letter that
Govnor Curtin send to him for us to Come home if whe
Wanted to And Whe was all agreed to it So then our
Colonel Sed to us that whe would start rite of for harris
burg And git the Cars [2] and steamboats for to take us to
our State And Serve our time out there then Whe give
3 cheers for our Colonel And 3 cheers for Govnor
Curton And 3 cheers for pensylvania So then Whe left
And Went to our Camp And Sune the Colonel Came
And got on the boat And left us rite of[f] for harrisburg
to Go Where whe Are to incamp So till next tuesday if all
is rite Whe will start of from here for to Come near to our
homes And to day Whe Are Settin up for our Clothing that
Whe got and Sining the Clothing [???]
[Page 2]
Before Whe leave here to day Whe only Got Provishion for
5 days before Whe youst to git provision for 10 days So i hope
that Whe will be lucky And start Away from here next
Wednesday Wich will be the 24th i hope to leave here But all
though General Keys he is Against it he wants us to stay
here yet And if he dont make Any disturbance till next
Sunday the 28th But Govnor Curton And the sucutary
of the Wore he wants us in our State so in that Way
General Keys he Cant hinder us from going so nou i hope
And Am prety Sure that Whe will leave here nou for our
oun state And this letter Will maby be the last that i
Will rite here but if whe dont git off i will rite Again
And i Wish you to stop riting to me nou untill i rite to
you Again do not rite Any more or Answer this letter
for if you do i Will not git it Any more And When i land
or git to our state i Will rite to you As sune as i stop
Sos you Can or will know where i am And then i will
Give you the directions for to rite to me And i hope that
Whe Will be as lucky As to leave here And go to our homes
For it is to Auful hot whe Cant hardly stand the heat
And i am hungry and thursty for Some Good water
for i had no good Water Ever since i left home So nou
i Will Come to A Close for this time But if it should
hapen that Whe Cant leave here next Week then i Will
rite A nother Letter to you my dear But they All say
that whe Are Sune for to leave here So nou i Will
bring my letter to AClose by sending my love And
best hopes to you And i hope i may meet you before long
Sos i Can git A good kis from you Again And After i am
in our state if i Can git A pas i Will Come home for
3 days for to see you but i Cant git Apas for longer
than 2 or 3 days But still that is Anuf it is better as
not to git home atall so no more
[added at top of page]
But i hope that you will not for git me And tell mother
to live on good hopes my love to you all Charles W Spire
to Susan Spire Charles W Spire
- Carlisle, PA
- Cars = railcars