

[1] Brookville Pa [2]
Dec 10th 1864
Friend George
your kind
letter was recieved a few days
it was read with much intrest
it found me in the lomber
woods four miles from
Brookville in a loug house
which we erected for lumber
pirpus and a verry fine girl
ceepping house I am enjoying
my seel verry well you are
a ware I try to do that at
all times and places
I was glad indead happy to
learn you are enjoying your self
well and have know doubt
but Amelia alsow is a spacialy
when george is a round and
I dare say that is pretty often
[Page 2]
you say you will come
out hear in rafting I hope
you may you can do well
hear and make more money
then you parably could
at any other work come if you
can meantime ceep me
posted in your wharebouts
I hear from Company ā€œCā€ regular
& Samuel Lattimer ā€“ To day it
is cold & some snow John
is working with me he is
well & sends his kindest
regards to you george as I have
know news of importance
I will close hoping to hear
from you Soon I close
Ever beleave me your
Sincere friend
William E. Jacox
to George M Crandall
Address as before

  1. Jacox had served with the Crandall Brothers in Co. C, 2nd Regiment, U. S. Sharpshooters
  2. Brookville, Jefferson County, PA
December 10, 1864


Co. C, 2nd Regiment, U. S. Sharpshooters


Co. C, 2nd Regiment United States Sharpshooters
Residence (County): 
Bradford County, PA


From State: 
From Municipality: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Bambi Whitaker
Transcription Date: 
July, 2013
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
September, 2013

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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