Camp 2nd Regt U S S S Va
Jan 22th 1865
Brother George as two
day is sabbath day and thare is no duty
for me to do I thought that I would spend
the day in what mite be cauled writing to my
friends I have received your letter this morning that
was wrote January the sixteenth I was vary happy
to hear of your health being so good this winter and
hope that you may allways be blessed with the same
grait blessing all that I can say for myself
is that my health is vary good at present I have
a doleful tale to te relate two you we have nothing
in the hous to eat at this present time I think
that it is a vary poor pervisher that cannot keep
bread in the hous over sunday purhaps if we
wer the chosen peoppl or rather Isrealites that
Moses led through the wilderness forty years that
we mite be fed as they wer on manna from
heaven do you have enny kind of an idea that
righteous peoppel or rather the tribe of Iseralites had to
subsist on enny thing like hard tack the moste
excitement hear is about the war coming to a
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close this spring the boy seams to bea
sanguine in the balief that this spring will
close the grait seen of this grait theater I
hope so Bob Allen dreamed the other knite tha
on the knite of the twenty third that thare was
agoing to come in one whole Brigade of rebs with
thare collars [1] and he was a going to be on picket
that knite the latter will prove true but the
former I cannot say but hope that it may be
so I think that I shal not take the troubbel
two inform Mr J. B. Brown about his cousin
for I his periodicals seams to come on a shorter
time than mine does at all events he hears from
home twice to me once and for this reason it would be
rehersing an oald dity to his most high magisty
in regard to your intersmash to that most
worthy damsel as you call it I hardly now how
to take the meaning of that sentance whether you
mean to convay the idea whether she was completely
smashed all to peases or parshely smash I am not
able to draw from the sentance I guess that I
have sed enuf on this subject the fact is this if we
doant critesize each others letters thare would be but
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vary little to employ ouer mind hear in
this plaice Patric Long cannot digest or rather
he has not got it digested yet why Michegan
does not fernish enny more pork for the
army by the mortal job that George
is a divel by Chroust he is all of that
Pat ses that he wants to hear from
you and by jasus I will go and see
him if I ever get out of this as I am
no Irishman I cannot interest you with
his trash this is the fifth letter
that I have written this day I
I will Close this by asking you to
write soon This is From your
Simon Crandall to
George M Crandall
- collars = colors, battle flags