

[1] Camp 105 Pe V Regt Va
February 25th 1865
Dear Brother George
it is with pleasure that that
I have a fiew lesure moments
this eavening and I thought that
I would try and improve them
in trying to answer your letter
of this inst which found me well
and a plodding the mud as
usually we haf ben issued out
too all of the regt that is in the
second Corps a Co hear and
another thare and to make a long
matter shorte we ar scatterd hither
and thither and I think that when
Gabril sound his last trump
that thare will not bea one sharp
shooter left to came forth at the
last trump I will tell you now
who has maid the money by the
Consolidation it is the sargents
[page 2]
Had Furman & Galimer &
Dave H McColly & William
I Lytle Jhon Pearsial and that
Cleared out Co C thare was no
Corprials that got out of Co C
the above named sergents has
gon home rejoiceing thare is Jhon
and William I Lytle that never
was enny proffit to the government
and I guess that thare was som
sharpe figering to get them out
I tell you that I have been
Demorelised since this Consolidation
has been in vogue I have been
mad I asure you some times I
have thought that the vary lowest
pit in hell would be a heaven
to this plaice and I know that I
would of exchanged with the devil and
would of paid him differance fore
[Page 3]
the Chance in my thoughts I
bregrudged Robinson Cruso his life
of sollituge on that island that
he was Cas cast on with his tame
gote and two Cats and one dog &
one tame parret the onely living
thing that he could teach to speake
to him in my thoughts all of his
life of exile was a heaven compared
with mine and his small kingdom
was of more value than all of the
south with the rebs throwd in
but I am consoled in a measure to
my lot but I think that if thar
was enny one to look after us that
they would halfto discharge the whol
regt Leut Warner is a trying to
get out he ses that he has three
claimes to demand his discharge on
and he thinks that he will make
[Page 4]
of them work I like this
regt vary well what I have seen
of the boys but it is asking me
to preform a duty that that I
did not enlist to do and thare
is no just reason that I shall
preform that what they aske me
to do at this present time
I guess that I will
Close this so No mor
for this time
Simon Crandall
To George M Crandall
Pleas write soon

  1. In Feb. 1865, the consolidated U. S. Sharpshooter Regiment was disbanded, and Co. C of the 2nd U.S.S.S. was transfered to the veteran 105th Pennsylvania Infantry.
February 25, 1865


o. C, 171st Pennsylvania (Drafted Militia); Co. C, 2nd Regiment U. S. Sharpshooters; Co. C, 105th Pennsylvania Infantry
corporal; private
Residence (County): 
Bradford County, PA


Co. C, 2nd Regiment United States Sharpshooters
Residence (County): 
Bradford County, PA

Transcription/Proofing Info

Bambi Whitaker
Transcription Date: 
July, 2013
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
September, 2013

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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