

Camp 105th Regt P V V Va
March 15th 1865

Dear Brother
Sir yours of the
first came to hand this morning it
found me usually well and with marching
Ordars we have three throan of[f] our duds
and brought ourselves down to our usual
weight say eight Onz to the lbs
all ovrplus bagage sent away and
hear we stand on our mussels
ready for a starte the lorde onely
knows whare for I doubt I will
tell you that Lieut Horace Warner
has got his discharge and started
for home this morning with a
heavy load but with a lite heart
he had tenting & blankets enough
to last him as long as he lives
Jos BB is all right side up with
care as yet and so is all of the
rest of the Old USSS boys
you say that Mother & Omar
[Page 2]
is about to move and begin
houskeeping I hope that they will both
enjoy thare new home and have good
luck for there is nothing to hender them
if they onely think so thare seams
to be a mistry conceald in your letter
for there you seam to convey an Idea
that I dont understand clearly for I have
not been informed of enny News that would
lead to the inferances that your letter
ames at you aske for an explanation
and that is all right & hear you
have it in regard to the answer of Omar
letter or the one that I received from
the answer was acrden with the
tener of his I draw from the inferances
of the epistal that thare was some
vary impolite cartices transpird from
time to time, but however he called
No names and now if they have got
into a fus at my expence they ar
welcom to all they can make out
of this Child
[Page 3]
but allow me to aske this
question ( seeing boath of your letters
thare is a wrong sumwhares ) and hear
is the one he that I prepose to aske
which one of the two is in the rong you
or Omar but perhaps that the affare does
not alude to eather I hope not but I feer
that it has something to do with you boath
George I hope that you and omar has not
got into trouble about Amelia for I doant
think that she is worth much of a fus
doant say that some one has been writing to
me about the affairs for that is not the case
all that I know is what I guess by your letters
and the one that Omar wrote I hope that
you will not be offended to what I have wrote
for I have not to intended to give enny
offence to enny one But enough of this
I will tell you that I expect that the cold
wet ground will be my bed evry knight
and perhaps this vary knight and the canopy of
heaven for my cover I dread it fore thare is
a drudful storm a threatening us if we attempt
[Page 4]
to Move But Not my
will be dun but Grants
but it ma ware away like
a long threatening storm
No More This Time
this is From Your
Brother And Freind
Simon Crandall
To George M Crandall
105th Regt P VV
if you pla[?]

March 15, 1865


o. C, 171st Pennsylvania (Drafted Militia); Co. C, 2nd Regiment U. S. Sharpshooters; Co. C, 105th Pennsylvania Infantry
corporal; private
Residence (County): 
Bradford County, PA


Co. C, 2nd Regiment United States Sharpshooters
Residence (County): 
Bradford County, PA

Transcription/Proofing Info

Bambi Whitaker
Transcription Date: 
July, 2013
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
September, 2013

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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