

Camp.. near White oak Church [1]
March 23rd
Dear Sister
I take the present
opportunity of letting you
know that I have
rejoined my regiment
yesterday a week. I would
have written sooner
but knowing there were
several letters on the
way for me I thought I
would wait until I
had received them there
was one came yesterday
Dated March 4th.. giving
an account of the
accident in Williams
family. it was indeed a
sad occurance and
Doubley so to him being
abscent at the time I
sincerely simp a thise with
[page 2]
them in their bereavement
and hope they may hear
it with fortitude trusting
in the Divine will ___
William started for home
on furlough several Days
ago he is is undoubtly at
home before this time ______
we had a burial yesterday in
camp a man named
Rheinhard a member of Comp
A. who died in the Regimental
Hospital. he had quite a
respectable escort to the
place of Burrial __________
our regiment has dwindled
down considerable. our
company have But 21 men
for duty. there about theme
of the old members left
exclusive of the new recruits
we had general inspection
the other day and had
[page 3]
great praise given us for
the Cleanliness and neatness
of our Camp.. . and for the
best inspection of our arms
over the whole brigade _______
the weather here has been
disagreeable for some time
raining almost every.day and
the roads are in such a
condition as to render a
move impossible. of the
plans of the next move
I have no idea but hardly
think it will be forward
the general opinion is that
we will be forced to fall
back but how true it is
of course I can not say
we are destitute of news
here very few papers reaching
us and those several days
old I do not know
what to write so excuse
[page 4]
a short letter give
my love to father matilda
and family Lizzie and family
to [???] and [???] and family
and all enquiring friend not
for getting & ourself hoping
this to find you all in the
enjoyment of good health as
this leaves me at present
I remain as ever your
Affectionate Brother
Edward Henry
P.S. write soon and direct
Company D Reg.. Pa Vols
2nd Brigade
1st Division
6th Army Corps
via Washington
D. C.

  1. Located in Falmouth, Virginia
March 23, 1862


Co. D, 96th Pennsylvania Infantry
Residence (County): 
Schuylkill County, PA


Name Variant: 
"Sister of Edward Henry"
Residence (County): 
Schuylkill County, PA


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From Note: 
White Oak Church


To State: 
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Allyson Page Dale
Transcription Date: 
February, 2015
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
March, 2015

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
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