

Camp near white oak church va, may 23rd 1863
Dear Sister
I take the opportunity of dropping you these few lines
I hope you know I am well hoping it I find you all in the
enjoyment of the same blessing
we are still in the
camp with some rumers of a march but with.
what truth I can not say. we have right days
rations again on hand although it has not
yet been dealt outto the men there is a report
in circulation that Genl. Hooker has [crossed?]
the river on the right at united-states ford
but as there has been no cannonading as yet – it is
probible nothing but camp talk. yesterday another
flag of truce came in from the rebels for us to
bring our wounded within our lines they
acknowledge that [Averill?] has Distroyed their communica[tion?]
with Richmond and that they have no supplies
or medicines for their own wounded and can
not attend to ours our ambulances have been
busy all night in transporting them
rebel [prisoners?] report that
Hooker has done them more [damage?] in the late
fight thane of any during [the war?] they claim a
victory but say that another such victory as the
[page 2]
and with being terible cut up is now the smallest
[Division?] in the army, one regt of our brigade
the 121st New York a new regt lost over three
hundred men our loss was one third our
whole numbers one hundred out of three hundred
I [now?] [??????????] [escaped?] [?????] through the
hottest fight has been fought during the
rebellion hope I may see it through to see
peace [???] [once?] [more?] to the [c????]

May 23, 1863


Co. D, 96th Pennsylvania Infantry
Residence (County): 
Schuylkill County, PA


Name Variant: 
"Sister of Edward Henry"
Residence (County): 
Schuylkill County, PA


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Allyson Page Dale
Transcription Date: 
March, 2015
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
March, 2015

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