[1] Captain T. W. Harris Company F
December 2 1862.
Dear sister I
Take my pen in hand to let
you now that that I am well
and hope that these few lines
may find find you the same
On the twentieth seventh of
November we got marching orders
We March to broad and prince
in philadelphia took the
cars at foure o clock in
the after noon for baltimore
came to baltimore that
night about twelve O clock
[page 2]
The Captain Marched us to the
Eighting Salune we took
A Midnight super then Mar=
=ched us to the depot thare
we took quarters until six
O clock in the morning
that was on the
Twentyeight then we took
the cars for washington
arived at washington about
half past aleven in the
four noon marched us to the
to the eighting house and Took
our diners stayed thare til
the 30th of November at five O
clock in the evning we took
the steam boat for forters=
=monrow arived at fortersmonrow
on the first of December at
half past three O clock in the
Morning Cast anker and laid
thare til two O clock in the
after noon then left for
[page 3]
Norfolk arived at norfolk
about four O clock in the
after noon and then we took
the cars for Soffolk arived
at Soffolk about eight O
clock in the morning and
then marched about two
miles to Camp staked
our arms spred our
blankheds on the ground
and slept til morning
and to Day our baggage
Came and we put up our
thare is a bout 30.00 thousand
thirty thousand
union troops at this Camp
and the rebbels lay with
in thirty Miles of our
camp we Expect
a battel every Day yet
thare is no telling we
may not get to see
[page 4]
I Saw The plase ware
Ware the Marrimac Was
blowing up [2]
The Rebels ar at black water
With in 21 or so Miles of us
We hird the Canon boom
on the second of December
That was yesterday
Thare was Twelve hundred
Caverly started for black
water yester Day
I dont Expect that the
Drafted men will get in
this fight for thay want
them to pertect the fort
at the Camp
for thare is plenty of three
year walenteers
No more at perssent
Send an
if you
Lavina W gilmer
Elias. W. gilmer
- Printed picture of the U. S. Capitol at the top of the page and stationary with the name of the regiment, also printed: 174th Regiment Pennsylvania Militia Co. John Nice
- blown up