South Carolina June 10 /63
Dear Sister
I take the oppertunity
of riting these few lines to let you
know that I am well and harty
and I hope that these few lines
may find you and the hole famly
well and harty. I received Mrs
Wormans kind letter yesterday
Stating that you was all well and
John was duing the farming.
I must state that the boys ar all
well excepting a few Mikel buck
is with us again well and harty.
I must state that we stil remain
at camp beaufort on battery tailor
tailor and expect to stay here until
the last of this month when we
expect to leave for some Nothern
parts to be Mustered out of
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Survice when we expect to come home
to our frends and familys. I must
State to you that this had been the
Shortest Nine month that I ever past
in my life I must state to you that
corn is out in tassel and the cotton
crops look fine. and the peanuts
crop looks Nice. and the watermilon
Vines look wery Nice. And I must
state to you that the weather is a Dam
Site hotter then ever. and the Moske
toes are thicker then ever and
have longer stingers and sting harder
I must s[t]ate that we shot another
aligater those Monsters are perty
plenty in this part of the conterry
besides all kinds of snakes and
reptiles. I must tel you that the due
berry crops ar all past and gone.
but we are all right yet. there is the
plum crop haint past we lived
in clover wilst them lasted
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Dear Sister I havent much more
to day at pressent. so I must close
my letter. plese right as soon
as you receive this letter for they
will will be the last letter that
I can receive in this Depart=
=ment for we will live the last
of this month for the north
Your truly Elias. W. gilmer
write soon