Near Fredricks burg Va
June 7the 1863
Dear Mother
I have received your
kind and wellcomed
letter and was happy to
hear that you was all
well. I am well at
presant. we are again on
another move we are
Just below Fredricksburg
we hand acrost yacht
one of our Division of
our corps is acrost and
I dont know wen we
will cross we can
see plenty of rebs on
the other side yesderday
we come in of[f] picket
and had to start
right off for here
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and so I had no time
atall to write and I
sent ten dollars of[f]
in a letter and I hope
you will get it I thought
we might perhaps not
get a chance anymore
for a while to write
I handed the letter to
our Doctor and he said
he would put it in
the mail bag for me
and I spose he done so
thay had some very hard
fighting here the other
day. I must now
come to a close it
is time for the male
to go Ill sent one
Dollar to you in
this letter Dear mother
Dond troubel yourself
about me I hope Ill get
threw safe and if
not it is all the
same we haf to die
onst all anyway
Dear mother pray for
me and I pray for you
So much from your
affectionate son
Daniel Faust