July the ,,20, AD
Dear Sir I take the
Opertunity to drop a
few lines to you to let
you now that I am
well and happy at presen
time and so is Flory
and I hope these few lines
may find you all in the
same s[t]ate of good health
and futher I let you now
that we are 25 miles from
richmond on the James
river at harrisons landing
and we are one and a half
a mile from general
Mcmecelean [1] head quarter
and we got plenty to eat
we have fresh beef everry
other day and we get tea
eaver eavning coffee in the
[page 2]
and plenty crackers and
that aint all we get wiskey
every day and futher I let
you now that we plenty
soulgiers and that is all
at present time
excuse me for bad riting
be caus we cant set down
to the table like you
men can
Abraham Good
Frederick U Gantz
direct your to Frederick U Gantz
washington, D.C. 6, U.S.
Cavelry Company ,L,
and Fourwads the regm
now I tel yoy the reason
wile I did rite so long tha
time that we around
washington the I diden now
mutch to rite and when I
[page 3]
come back I can tell
you more then I rite
you and these scripling
as soon as you can
my be I tell you
more the next time
- Gen. McClellan