[1] This is bad rote and spelt I have pore
Chance to rite I set down and take it on my nee
but still you now what I meen
Bermuda Front
March [?]3 the 1865
Dear Wife I must let you now
that I am well and hope you are also
The war seems to be con[cin?]esed now
Along the lines by peters burh and
Richmond and hatches run there is
hevy fireing along these lines wensday
night the 29 the fireing commenced
about 10 oclock and I cannot discribe
to you the seen it seemed to me
like sharp hevy thunder with out
eny intermision and streeks of fire
going up in the are like lightning
from the shells exploding it cant
otherways be but that night must
have hur[?]ieg many in to eternity
our camp is 7 miles from peters burg
and is all quiet yet what mite be
acomplished that nigt we no not yet
but may now more before I close
it is raining to day and is verry muddy
[page 2]
[2] please let me now when you rite how meny letters you have got
this dont discourage us it is the way
it must Close I hope the end is neer
at hand
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- Added upside down across the top of pages 2 and 3