

Kaneville March 1st 1863
Ever Dear cousin i received
your ever welcome letter and
was glad to hear from you
and to hear you was well
wich is the greatest blessing
on earth you must see some
lonesome ours when you get
to thinking of your little
family I can imagine how
you feel Lyman i expect
to be in the same place you
are in a short time they say
there is going to be a nother
call before long and i
expect to go and then the
war will come to an end
Lyman if this war last
mutch longer we shall
have a war in the rear
[Page 2]
the rebs are very bold
right in our midst
but the war must be put
down iff it takes evry
loyal man in the north
to do it I hope old Abe
will call out 8 hundred
thousand men more and
then it will take some
of these copper heads down
there where we can take
care of them it is very fine
weather hear warm as spring
summer I shall commence
sowing the weat if the
wather hold favorable
Lyman i hope you will live
to return to your famlie again
i hope if you ever get a shot
at them rebs you will make
it count Fannie is a going to
rite some to you and i must
close write as soon as you get this
Edwin Hunt to L L Foster
[page 3]
Ever dear Cousin
As Edwin has been
writing and wishes me to writes
I will pen a few lines although it
may not be very interesting .
I can imagine the utter lonelin
ess of your heart whilst deprived
of the society of your family and
other dear friends. No one can
appreciate the worth of a good home
until they are deprived of it.
I wish we could take a peep at
you to night, and have a good
chat with you. I hope god will
spare your life to return to your
family again Oh! what a happy
meeting upon the shores of time; tongue
cannot express the joy in a meet
ing like this. Lyman, keep good
courage; be faithful to your country.
Put your trust and confidence in
God all will work for the best
[1] much love from your affectionate
cousin Fannie Hunt
[Page 4] [2]
I received this to night and
will send it to you I have
been out on battalion drill
this after noon it made ous
swet some good evning
you may send me a
post stamp or two if you
have them handy they are
hard to be got heare want
more then they are worth
send me one one cent stamp
and I will send you
a york town paper

  1. Written upside down in top margin first page
  2. Lyman added this page and forwarded the letter to Mary
March 1, 1863


Residence (County): 
Kane County, IL
Residence (County): 
Kane County, IL


Co. G, 169th Pennsylvania Infantry
Residence (County): 
Erie County, PA


From State: 
From County: 


To State: 
To Municipality: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Bambi Whitaker
Transcription Date: 
October, 2012
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2012

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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