[1] Chapins Bluff Thursday December 1st 1864
Dear wife
I was working on the Road to day and
they gave us a stent to do so much and then quit
and we worked like the devil and got done at
one oclock and I dident have anyy thing to do
this afternoon so I thaught I would drop
you a fiew lines and let you know I was Right
Side up with care I feel first Rate never felt
Better and if I ownly keep well I will Be all
Right there is a good manny Sick in our
Regiment they send some to the Hospital
nearly Every day Jake Boyer is working at
the Hospital Building chimneys He came
up last night and Stayed all night with
us he Braught a haversack full of Bread
for us he sayes they have pleny to Eat
down there and more than they can eat
so he fetched us up Some Bread and it
came verry good for we would had But
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a small Supper without it we was just
wondering what we would do for supper
when in comes jake with plenty of
Bread So you see there is nothing like
trusting to provedence for the Boys Said
we would have to trust to providence
for our Supper I think they want to
Serve us like the dutchman did his
horse get us used to liveing without
Eating But just as he got his horse so
He could live without Eating He layed
down and died and I am afraid that
will be the way with us I dont know
How it is But we are Rather Short of
Rations Sometimes we have enough
for two or three days and then again
we dont have enough for two or three
days the Boys complain a good eal about
it But that makes no difference the
grub is just the same unkle John never
answered that letter I wrote him nor
Sam Vannatter dident Either tell Chet
He must write three months of our time
[page 3]
is gone ownly nine months to serve yet
unless we Reenlist and I guess we shant
do that the captain was talking to the Boys
the other day about Reenlisting and they
told him the feed was to poor they could not
Stand it this year out he told them next
day would Be thanksgiven and then they
would live fat on turkeys and pies and
cakes and apples and every thing good
But the thanksgiven dinner turned
owt like all the Rest we got one apple
and a quarter a piece the turkeys came
two or three days after all spoilt and
the pies and cakes dident come at
all as ever I Herd tell of the Harpers
weekly has got the soldiers pictured
off with awful Big Belles after thanksgiven
dinner that will do to tell the folks at
home But we know about the Big Belles
Here the folks that sent them things
Better kept there money But I must
Close write often from your Husband
Harrison Nesbitt Co F 203 [times?]
- Written on U. S. Christian Commission stationary