Near Petersbury Va
July 24 /64
Mr. I. Van Leer
Dear Sir: Your
communication of the 17th
inst [1] relating to the effects
of John Guest has just
come to hand.
In response I have to
say that they have been al=
=ready forwarded to his brother
with directions to turn them
over to his mother
You can inform his
mother that no charge is
made for his funeral expenses
His grave is marked by
a head-board bearing his name
company & Regt & also the date
[page 2]
of his death so that his remains
can be disinterred for removal
by his friends if desired: no
removals however will be allowed
by the authorities untill October
John was a brave
faithful soldier, ever ready
& willing face danger in the
performance of duty & we can
not but sympathise with his
friends at his untimely end
Very Respectfully
Isaac Burton
2nd Lieut 97th R.P.V.
Comdg Co. “A.”
3rd Brig 2nd Div 10th A.C.
Via Ft. Monroe. Va.
- inst = instant, day of the present month