

Camp Wright
July the 22 : 61
Dear Aunt and friends
this butiful sumer
morning John McCurley
and my self is seted at
A small table down in a shade near
our quarters to rite you a few lines
John is riting to Susan Wallice
we are all well except John Lam [1]
he has had Some thing like the
mesals but he is beter this morning
and it is turning our beter than
we thot I never in Joyed beter helth
in my life than i have since I came
here except a diaree that i had
last weak a cople of days but [am?]
beter since Mr Cadwallader came
here on saturday evening and gave
me your and Alberts leter and that
[page 2]
Jar of aple buter of Mothers that was
vary thankfully received as any thing
sow tastes good here we git plenty
to eat and plenty of cofffee to drink
I red those two chapters that you
mentioned on Sunday morning and
find it vary incouraging to a cristien
Soaldier and I intend to show it to
all my mess mates and it may be of use to
us all i thank you for all shuch advice
You wanted to now when i was
coming home but it is a question
that i can not answer I had a chance
to go home when J M Fullerton went
and had a notion to go but when i
thot it over i gave it up not that i
would not of like to see you all nor
because I had now mony for i have
got five dollers yet but it was only
for a day or two and then leave you
again I thank you for your kind
offer to pay my way home but i can not
go home at presant
[page 3]
Thare was two regaments left
this Camp on last thursday the 18
and the Eary [2] regiment left for home
Fridy morning at three oclock and Then
the Camp was gave inot the hands
of Cornal Jackson of the ninght regiment
the only regiment in Camp now and he
recieved orders for avry compny in under
his comand to prepare to march as soon
as the passag over the road Could be
arainged we don now Just when we
will go nor ware we will got to but
ether to Haresburgh or to Filledlpha
This is a very pleasant Camp to s[t]ay
in it was six weaks last saturday
at five oclock Since we came her
and the time has sliped along and
I have scarsley nodest it
Thare was a big rowdy here last nite
John it was down at one of the groceres on
the road they was drunk and went to tare it down
and they poot them a way and they they got a croud
and went down and stoned it and then stoned on
[continued in right margin and at top of page 3]
another and they had to call out two armed compneys to stop
it thare was severl of them hurt badly but not fat[e]ly i guess
[page 4]
mother John McCurley sends you
a ring of his one make to rember him
by he sends his love to you all
And the rest of No 2 [3] I allso send thares
David Dicksons Father Stayed over
Sunday with us I want to send this
Mr Cadwallader when he goes he thinks that
he will go on tuesday I will not seal this
untill the time coms and we may git
some nues by that time what we will
do Mary J[ane] I will answer your leter
soon the boys all in nombe two red it
and was glad to hear from Mary Jane
We are going to send a smoll box home
with what Close we dont nead to take
along with us it will be derected
to Mr A Fullerton and you
can git them John i will rite to you
as we git to our stoping plase and
Albert and all of you Albert you must
not run Will and John to hard
or they will not stand it I am
a fraid but i must close for
this time but remain you
Affectionate Neace [4]
My love to every one J S Miller

  1. Pvt. John Lamm of Battery B
  2. Eary = Erie (County)?
  3. mess number two
  4. Neace = mistake for nephew?
July 22, 1861


Residence (County): 
Monroe County, AL


Name Variant: 
Dear Aunt and friends


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From Note: 
Camp Wright


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
October, 2012

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
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