

Camp Curtin March 20 /65 [br]

Dear wife I take another
opertunity to right you & gine
a fiew more lines to lett you
know that I am well & hope
that theas lines will find you
injoying the same blesing
I want you to get David braughl[?]
to chop what wood is hauled
as soon as you can & get R
Mcconaughey to hall the balence
of the wood that is out in the
clearen as soon as it is fitt roads
to hall on a crost the field The
reason I want the wood hauled
soon is on the account of it being
easier to get the wood choped
now then in the sumer & when
Robert halles get D Broughlen
to help to lode & get it lauled
soon for as soon as plowing
comences he woant like to
[page 2]
hall wood & about that
stuff that was to be sawed
down at Enterlines mill
as soon as it is sawed it must
be stuck up & the axeltrees must
be hauled up & put in to s.
Browns barne & stuck & civered
over with straw so they wond
crack . I did tell R Mcconau
ghey to hall it up & to stick
up the balance that is at the
mill & civer it with slabs
We may not send our money
home by express Brown
sayed that T B Allison will
be down the last of this
week or the first of next
week & if he comes down
I wil Send mi money with
hime Tel Allison to stop
to se us as he goes to Philad-
elphia I want you when
the draft comes [??] to tel me
[page 3]
[w]ho ware drafted & if
they rased a bounty to give the
drafted men that I want
them to understand that
us that is in the surves isent
a going to help them they wood
ent helpus to rase bounty
to save us from the draft
& when we volunteered to
save being drafted If they
want a bounty they may
pay their one bounty & look
out for them selves as
we did I wish you wood
take a little nodes to the
bees when it gets worme
& ceep them raised up on blocks
& so the worms doant build
nests under them & them
front boards might be nocked
off before lon & that manure
might be hauled out before
long in to the garden over the
[page 4]
orchard lott Just as you
think best
The nues from the front
is getting better every day
from the front I think that
the war will soon be over
Right soon & tell me the
purticklers & answer me
about what I ask you a
bout in this letter
Jane you must remember what
I right to you & when you right
look at the last letter what I
had rote to you abought & try
to answer as [????] you
can & be a good girl to your
mother I may get a furlow to
go home after while We can
gett a furlow for 2 eavery 10 days
when them 2 getts back 2 more can go
I must close from your best friend
John W Compton

March 20, 1865


Co. B, 74th Pennsylvania Infantry
Residence (County): 
Indiana County, PA


Residence (County): 
Indiana County, PA
Residence (County): 
Indiana County, PA


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From Note: 
Camp Curtin


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
October, 2013

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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