

Camp Near Falmouth March 26th/63
Dear Sister Molley
I recived your letter the other
day I ante bin abel to write to
you sence I expected to answer
this my self in Person but It
is plade out all of the Furlows
is stoped the very day that I
was to starte that was on the
18th of the mounth but I blame
St Patricks day for that all of the
Generals had sinde it but Gen
Couch for I think he was
Drunck and did not now
what he was doing for all
the holde Division was so
Dam Drunck that they
did now witch end was up
[Page 2]
So they put a stope from me com
coming hom so I donte now
wen I can come for I am trying
to get my Discharge but I donte
now how I will make out with
it I have got the Diruare the
worst kinde it has fetch me
downe mitey hard I wade
180 lb wen I left Harpers Ferrey
and now onley 147 lb so that is
fetching the meat off a body mitey
fast and I ante getting a bit better
and never will as long as I stay
down hear. Well Molley you
asked a bout my money I got
some of the bounty $25 of the
state the other $75 I will gett
after the war is over and
the other money I got I hade
[Page 3]
to pay my Dets off and I got pade
up for Oct 31th and I losted $50
In the Battle of Fredricksburg and
the reste I hade to bye shirts to
keep from getting lousey on the
marche for I had not time washing
them so I had to through them
a way and now they owe me
for 5 mounth pay now that is
a bout 71 Dollers and they wonte
pay us all of that at one time and
I donte now when they will pay us
so I have bin makening the best
of it as I can as soon as I can
get some I will send It home to
Keep for me and you can get it to
use till I come home for I will
wante it fore to bye some Clothes
fore I will get ride of these as soon as
[Page 4]
possabel for I am gerting tirde
of them that If i ever get home
So Molley I must Quit
writting so my love to you
all and good by
From Your Brother
Wm A Smith

March 26, 1863


Co. D, 116th Pennsylvania Infantry
Residence (County): 
Philadelphia County, PA


Name Variant: 
Residence (County): 
Delaware County, PA


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Bambi Whitaker
Transcription Date: 
October, 2012
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2012

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
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