

Jan 4th/62 Headquarters
Washington Camp Mecer Co A 57th Reg
Dear Father & Mother
this morning seeing
that John [1] has been writing a few lines
to you I will do the Same for I might as well
write as to be setting around it has rained for
the last four or five days as for the mud
being deep John has told you in his letter it
makes it very disagreeable getting around
So much so that we hardly drill at all yest
erday we drilled a very little and shot at
targot. Some three or four times we shot a
piece we made very good shots although
they are Some very awkward persons in
the company although there is Some very
good marksman in this company the talk
is that we shall have to go over the Potomac
this week but I hope not till the wether is
better than it is now for the mud is deep
that we should mire but when we are
called upon we must go for there is no
use of complaing or grumling for we are
[Page 2]
sworn to obey our officers and they
are Sworn to obey their supperiors and
they have to move when they are commanded
let the case go as it may whether the mud is
knee deep or not but what is the use of talking
about for if we came to serve our country
we must expect to endure hardship. if we would
be good Soldiers. for my part I expected to sf
suffer as long as I remain in Service of my
country but Still I do not want to suffer
unnessary for we have to endure enough
for any pirson Should endure at the best
this travailing in mud almost up to our
waist is more than weak nature can endure
and Sleeping on the cold ground at night
but Still nature will get harden to it
in a measure. So we can endure more than
we realy think we could in the first place
I know for one that I never thought I could
endure hardships as I have done while here
and I presume that we could endure more
than we have done Since we have been in
the Service I guess I will Say no more
[Page 3]
about this matter and will close my
preamble for I guess that you will think
it is as much as you will wish to read
I hope that the next time I write I shall
be able to write Some news but now there
is no great news to write but what you
have heard relative to the war I hope the
mater will close for I think I would
get of this Scrape with a good Stomack
for I have no desire to Stay here on gove=
=rnment expense for I think that the
Farmers will have enough taxes to pay
if this war should close I hope you will not
be forgetful of us down here and you but
will write as often as you can and
mother I would say to her that I have not
recieve that letter that she was agoing
to write I hope She will not forget it but
will write without fail I will try to write
a longer letter than this next time and
I hope a more Sensibler one for I am
ashamed of it but there is So much noise
and confusion that a person cannot think
[Page 4]
So I will Say good by for this time
excuse all mistakes and poor writing

This from your Son L A Granger

  1. His older brother, Pvt. John W. Granger
January 4, 1862


Co. A, 57th Pennsylvania Infantry
Residence (County): 
Susquehanna County, PA


Name Variant: 
“Dear Father & Mother”
Residence (County): 
Susquehanna County, PA


From State: 
District Of Columbia
From Note: 
Camp Mercer


To State: 
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Bambi Whitaker
Transcription Date: 
November, 2012
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
June, 2013

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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