[1] Benedich 16 [2]
Dear wife i hav
Just receved
your letter and
feel glad that
you are all well
i was anshes to hear from
you. wee are all well hoping
this will finde you the
Same it was Sunday
morning when i got
it and i was glad it
was a gift to mee.
you now before this that
we left camp parke on
Satterday the 7 of Sept
expecting to go to the
chanebridge but we
went in another direction
that tuck us into
maryland ware we did
[page 2]
not expect to gow. wee
went into Prince
gorge County when
we left wasington first
we are now in Charles
County. thay say we
are gowing to start too
morrow for porte to
bacco but we never
sertin we hav bin marchin
six days or Scouting
witch ever you may
call it we hav sean
sum ruf weather since
we s[t]arted hot and cold
wet and dry we dont
take now tents when
[page 3]
we gow scouting
we hav bin many a
mile this weeke you may
now travling evry day
fore six days you say
i did not tell you
about my watch
i think it runs tow
fast but i cant tell
how it will tirn out
i gess you hav got it by
this time this is a miserable
place for news here we
are about forty miles
from wasington we
are along the potuccee [3]
river and hav bin for
a day or row wee
are clothed prety well
i diden get a gum [4]
i though[t] i had a nuf
to carray we are getting
[page 4]
gu[m?] coats in a few
days from the guverment
excuse me
as the male
is leaving
i will
agane in afew
Bill will wright
in a [?] days
Direct your
letter same
as last
yours wm Band
- Patriotic illustration in upper left of page
- September 16
- Patuxent River
- gum = gum blanket?