Camp Marcy
Near forte
cockran Dec 10 1861
My Dear wife
I receve your kinde
letter in wich i
finde you all well
hoping theas will
finde you the same
as thay leave us
I should wright more
letters if poste stamp
o ware not so scarce
we hav not got paede
yet nore doe we know
when we will be we
expected to hav bin pade
of before this theare
is sum [bouther?] about
this rigment betweene
the goverment Col young
[page 2]
tell Michel
Dalton i hav not
got them clippers
tell the folkes
we are all well
i should like to
help to eate them
chickens of our
lides if it is
poseable to do
your effecnate
William Band
let the folds
reede theas letter
giv them our best