

Camp winfeald
Scott near yorke town
va April 28 . 1862
Dear wife
i take the pleasure
of wrighting a few
lines to you hoping
thay will finde you
all well as thay leave
us all at present
The long looked fore
pay come at last
the pay master came
on saturday at noone
he continued to pay
till night we got
pade about dusk
the pay master feneshed
on sunday we only
got pade fore tow
monthes we hav
[page 2]
I ame charged eight 8
dollers 44 and fortey fore
centes more than my
years clothing that was
stopt off us this pay
so that i onley receved
eighteene 18.00 and 19 dol centes
it is so neareley all
over our compney
some them that got
extrey clothing ware
not charged as much
as some of the rest
I tolde the ordley
sargen that thare was
some reskaletey worke
gowing on in this
compney he thretned
to enter a corte marshel
if we did not say
less so i thought i
would hold my tung
and not git my self
in a scrape thrue it
[page 3]
two more nearley
due but when we
are to be pade agne
i do not know I
hav but a small sum
to sende you this time
it is fifteene 15.00 dollers
i sent it this morning
by adems express bill
sendes fifteene in the
same envlep so that
you will git thirtey 30.00
dollers in all thare has
bin some rasihelle
raskille worke gowing
on in this comaney
thare has bin some pistoles
lost severel other thinges
suche as bootes thay
all hav to be accounte
fore so i expect thay
hav charged us all with
some of them
[page 4]
the ordley sargen will
not giv us aney sates
faction he will not
tell us what we are
chaged fore everey thing
is quiet hear same
as usel you will get
all the news in the
inquirer more than
i can tell you we
get the paper two day
after thay are printed
our men still continue
to throw up earthe workes
fore Large guns day and
night so that the men
are kept verey buisey
it is moste darke so i
must close my letter at
present from your
affectnate Husband
William Band

April 28, 1862


Co. I, 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry
Residence (County): 
Delaware County, PA


Residence (County): 
Delaware County, PA


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Heather Messick
Transcription Date: 
January, 2014
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2014

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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