Camp Near
Brandy station v.a
March 28ht /64
My Dear Wife I
take this opportunety of
wrighting a few lines
to you hoping thay will
find you all well as
thay leave us at Present
evry thing seams to
be quiet hear at Present
how long thay will
remain so time alone
will tell Gen. Grant
has got his head Qurtrs
at colpepper it looks
like dowing something
as thay are reorgnising
the army of the potomac
for a Spring campain
[page 2]
we had a veary heavy
snow storme on the
night of the 22nd March
and one since with
plenty of rain it
has bin veary wett
and looks like rain
I hav just
received your kind
letter dat March 24
1863 it must be
an old one just turned
up it is just as good
as a new one it has
the latest news in with
one from Arther
you must hav miss
under stood my letters
the companeys are not
Splitt up the regiment
is Splitt up
[page 3]
we hav four compneys
hear G I Band L that
is dowing guard duty hear
along the railroad at
the Quarter masters depo
the rest is over at
Gen Patrick are meads
Qurters thay are both
togeather the companeys
are not splitt only
some one ore two that
is dowing safe guard duty
John Byram has had
severell letters these last
few days I am glad
to hear that oram
Gregg has bin writing
home he comes up hear
evry few days to se
us he told us he
had wrote home severell
times I did not now four serta
[page 4]
I hav not sean
Gen Grant yet I think
i shall se him whin
the grand revew coms
off of th armey of
th Potomac I beleave
he is a good man I
hope he may succeede
in his new undertaking
I beleave he has the
good wishes of all th
armey of the Potomac
giv my loov to all
the folks your
Affectnate Husband
Wm Band To his
Wife MA Band Thair
is a good meney troops
coming up evry day
[page 5]
I think we shall not
leave hear for some time
as Gen Patrick seamed to be
very well Pleased with the
regiment as it looked neet
and clean and it will
take some time to
re orgnise th armey
I se that thair is some
misstake in Penselvania
Quato [1] So that Delaware
county will not hav
so meney men to find
I got three 3 stamps in
this letter i got your
Paper some few days
agow an hav not got
so mush duty to do
now our major is
gon home on a ferlough
he will be Back in
a fiw days
[page 6]
we hav got about
one 100 hundred reenlisted
men in our regiment
as near as i can tell
Thiss Plase
is [caled?] Ingalls station
I thought you would
know it better
By Brandy Station
- quota