Near Peartersburg
v.a june 20 . 18.64
Dear Wife I take
this opportunety of writing
a few lines to you hoping
thay will find you all
well as thay leav us at
Present I received you
Kind and welcome letter
this morning dat 17th
june and was glad to
hear from you I
also recved one a
few days agow dat 11enth
you ast me what
kind of duty we
hav to Performe hear
I can harly tell you
what you might call it
[page 2]
Thay call us provos
guard we hav all Kinds
of duty to Perfome
Drive up straglurs escurt
rebell prisners to the
Diferent stations we
are on some Kind of
duty tomow but what
to call it i do not
now we hav bin laying
in frunt of these Peaters
burg works fore three
ore fore days we do
not know what we
are Kept hear fore
I think it is in case
the rebels should make
a Brake on our lines
we are about three
miles 3 frome Pearters
Burg evry thing seams
to be working well
[page 3]
I sean Isaac wild
on our road hear
I also sean James cliff
thay are all well I
think we shall hear
some string news before
long from some part
of our armey you
say that our Lide
and all of her
famely hav bin sick
I am veary sory to
hear it I hope thay
are better by this
time I am glad
to hear that our
amy is so well that
She can gow down
and see them I
hope her helth may
so continue
[page 4]
you ast me when
our time is out ore
when our regiment
was mustard in it
was mustard in by
companeys our company
dates fiftenth 15 august
one companey dates july
18 and the last dates
to the 26 sixt august
give my loov and
respects to all the
folks No more
att Present from
your affectnate
Husband Wm Band
Wife MA Band