

Camp Near Petersburg Va. June 28th 1864

My Dear Wife
I recd. your kind
and ever welcome letter of the 21st
inst was very glad to hear from you
about that House & Lot at five corners
I would not buy it at all. the same
amount of money in Land somewhere
would be worth ten times the value to
us that the House & Lot would. I would
not buy any where at present the Bounty
Orders are better than money there is
now ten per cent premium on the
orders and they are still advancing
every Hundred Dolars is now worth a
hundred and ten Dolars and on interest
beside. I think I would keep the orders
and not buy at present. I guess that
I will be at home this fall and can
look around and get some land to suit
[page 2]
us. at present the orders are the best [1]
and safest investment we can pro
-cure Daniel D Lowel did right
this Jane i do think that
you ar foolish of thnking of bying
that lot for it ante no farm
you shood no better that it
is not enuf to make aliveng
on now Jane if i do com
home then i can by Some land
anuf to make [i?] [plase worth?]
while them orders is worth
a primum now ten
dollars on each order
besides the intrist
how mutch did you get
for the hors the war is at
a close now [most?]
we did muster for pay yester
day and it will soon come
and i shall get one hundard
dollars or more then [we?] shall
have five hundar dollase then
[page 3]
and then we shall have
anufe to by a good peas of land
lowel and me talks of bying that
yungs lot to gether this fall
and if you shood by so small
a lot as that five corners lot
how shod we get our living
on it
and about your greaving
So mutch it is nothing
but foolish nes and dont
make such afool of yourself
eny more
for i dont want to here
it eny more

hanah an i dont think that
your dres is so nise as i Shood of
got if i had got it do you
So good by
Daniel B Lee
[page 4]
how long has the scool
cep dow you learn well
you must be cep in books
so as not have it sed
that yo hant had books
so as to larn
What is becom of the hors
and wagin you dont
right nothen what
you have don with the
hors or heve you got
thim yet right
i did send two him
books to you have
you got both of them
and i heave sent two papers
to you and one to [ame?]
and whene he hase
read ut yo get it
i dont feel ths morning
mutch like eatin beckfast
[page 5]
you must drink a good
cup of te for me for i dont
have the fun of seeing eny
it cost me fifty sents
a day for tobaco and i am
atring to cuit it now
onse and a whle when i dont
feele well i do by a pie and
eat it or som cake
i heave got a lame back this
morning so no more
ths time good by dear
Wife good by all
Daniel B Lee
mother and father how do
you do i shood be glad to see you
onse more but i do trust i shall
if i was there to help you get your
crops in i wood be glad D B Lee
When you do direct put a letter
A on the envelop then it will
com to my compny the rest is right
[page 6]
Hanah Ann Lee
I do want to see you very
mutch but that is all of the
good it do to want for it is
now im posiball for me
to com home now but whene
this war is over then i shell
com and see you and then
we shill be hapey and take
comfirt i do feele as that
god will spare mee to com
home and live with you
agane mr Lowel is now
well and is apointed oure
preacher and the house
he hase dose me agrate
deele of good for he do
have the operitunity
of giving me a grate
meny priviliges
Hanah an as to that dres
it is quite nise but if iShood
of got it i shood got a nise one
[page 7]
But when i come home
i will bring you one
home and one for mother
has mother made hers
that i did get at angel[??]
i do want you to have her
make it right of hanah an
tell her pap sis so
and when i do com home
i will bring you and
hur one home our ofersirs
has ben a tring to get
us back to allmiry but i dont
now how that will be
Sam Carpenter is now
our ordley sargen and
it is luckey for mee for
he do favor me all he can
so i must close for the want
of roome so good by to my
wife and child
Daniel, B, Lee

  1. the first page and first two lines of page 2 were written for him
June 28, 1864


Co. A, 179th New York Infantry
Residence (County): 
Allegany County, NY


Residence (County): 
Allegany County, NY


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
New York
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
May, 2014

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    University of Georgia
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