

November the 9th 1864
dear wife and child i take the
opertunity of riting to you hoping
that these few lines will find you
in good health as it leaves me in
good health at present i reseivid
my box last night about dark
and was glad to see it because
i was about bare foot my boots
fits good and the pail was not
more than half full and a pair
of gloves and two bread loves
and some cakes and apples and
onions and that was all that
was in it the box wass not
full witch i suposed it would
bee it ad been broken open
that you could see very plain
half the butter was gone and probely
something else probely but i dont
know what because i have not
ad a letter since snday before
last and i rote back the same [1]
[Page 2]
day and i have not an anser yet
harison underwood got a letter the same
night and i give him some of the
things is letters spoke of Joe petch
being at home i am glad to hear
of his getting home again you can
give my best respects to all inquirin
friends and to Joe petch to i would
like to know if you have got
your house banked up and if
you have got ready for winter
whe are still laying at the front
of petersburg moveing every 5
or 6 days and working nights
some of the time but that is nothing
i ad rather work nights as
fight but i supose we shall
have to do boath but never
mind let it sliver i must close for
present and go to drilling the drum
is calling me now so i wil rite you
when when i get a letter send me an envelope
or two i remember my little the most of
thing yet that i have seen good by

  1. Scrap of paper: Receved boots, gloves, butter some was broken into
November 9, 1864


Co. A, 2nd New York Heavy Artillery
Residence (County): 
Oneida County, NY


Residence (County): 
Oneida County, NY
Residence (County): 
Oneida County, NY


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
New York
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Kristen Carroll
Transcription Date: 
November, 2013
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2014

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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