

May 31 64 Mrs A H Rice dear maddum I
have the plesher of saying to you that all is in
good helth except Buck he has had ashort attack of
newmone but is giting abought & James Mariah she
was tacon with convulchon fits last sunday had 3
from 12 oclock tel sun dun I sent for the Docktor
& after bleeding tel she fanted she has had nomore
I wente up to Tupelow in surch of the pony but
when I got thare thay war gon to Montevalle Ala
thay onleay stade 2 nights & day at the camp whear
thay started to when I was thar but sence I got home
I have heard that thay war audred back agan I made
an arangement with a ould Jentel man that if thay
came back thar to rite to me he sade he new the smart of
hit as thay treted him the same wa all well at the lower
place the wheat will soon be redday to cut & not hurt
by rust yet hit is out of danger nough I will son be
over the crop the scond time & am leveing hit in fine
fix we ar neding rane the gardin peas ar but up so that
we had nothing of the kind to sende to you this time I
send one bucket of butter you will find in closeid a
litter that I tacon out of the ofis yearterday I am much
grattefide to git your papers & hope thay will continyear
to cum as I am allwase glad to hear the nuse [1]

  1. page 2 missing
May 31, 1864


Residence (County): 
Winston County, MS


Residence (County): 
Mobile County, AL


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
To Municipality: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
May, 2014

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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