June 21st 64 Coctaw Acency Miss
Mrs A H Rice Dear madum this leves all well at both
places except sum cases of bowel afecttion tho not serious I am giting
along tolerable well with the crop tho I laust from munday tel the
nex wendsday weake that I did no[t] plow enay oun acount of
rane Jane is giting along well rase ing turkes & chickens
only what the hocks takes of thay ar still bad hear I
sande 2 duz chickins 6 duz Eggs a bucket of butter
& sum vegatebuls I am going to Atlanter will start
in the morning to se my wonded sun he is quite low &
and has written to me to cum to him
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Mr. J S Tucker will attend to my bisness
while I am gon I expect to cum thru Mobile
Yours wih due respect
A B Parks
Ps those Nales & other articles come to had safe