Hurricane Jany 8th 1866
Dear master
Nicholson informs me
that you expressed a wish to write by him, but in his hurry
failed to call again as you instructed.
Col Thomas was on the Bend a few days a go and
in his speech to an assembly at Palmyra informed
them of the disposition of the other part of the Bend with-
out mentioning what would be done with this.
We are now filling up a couple of large cuts
made in the levee to let out the water also making rails.
We need at least 10 or 15000.
It is rumored that this land will be retained by
the Government, but we shall go on with out work
unless ordered to discontine. Should like to commence
dividing the last as early as possible So that the
cleaning may be commenced. Will you please instruct
me whether or not I will be correct in doing so, or
will it be necessary for us to a wait the movement of the
Bureau. Further delay for much that we have
to do will be damaging to an irreparable
All as well as usual
Your servt
Mr J. E. Davis
I am willing to make the inquirey of Col
Thomas if you deem it necessary & hope
to hear from you early on this subject