The State of Tennessee
Camo Near Tulla Homma January the 11
Dear Sister Elvira I take My Seat
This Sabbath moring Those fu lines
Leave Me Well as common Iam in hops
Those fu Lines May find you and family
Well I havent murch of importance To Rite
To you As This is my first a Dress
To you I Can Say to you that We had A
Big fight at Mur fees Bur Ro [1] our
Lost Was Heavey an the yankees Was
Still Heavery then ours We Takent
Twelve Thousssand Prisners 1200 in th
Fight We Taken Prisners form 10 [???]
Difent Regiment Their is no more
Ex Changed Prisners keeping as Pris
Ners of War That is hard you
No you But it Will Bright th
War To A Close Quicer I Recond
W S Mc Shan an M. King
An J W Maulding an Birt past
Lo an Elics Edward all was
Taken as Prisoners or Kill I Dont
No Witch Was Dun all Thoe We
Are Looking for Annother Big fight
[page 2]
We Takent 40 Peaces of Artillery
From th yankees Iam A Brave man
you No But I am Blige To Confess
To you That I Dread to go in Too
A fight for th yankees Thru Bum
Shells Like Hell th are Hell To Thro
Bum Shells an So is our men Hell
For Shells Too you No that Ver Well
So With Afu More Words an then
I Shall Close my Letter I Want you
To Rite as Sonn as this Letter Come to
Hand Direct your Letter to Estell Spr
Ings Tennessee an Be Per Ticler in Backed
your Letter This is th Way for you to Bac
Ked you Letter Say L A Miles Estell
Spring Ten to th 45 Miss Regiment
Infery Co B in th Care of A. C Hard
Castle Col Cormandering So
I Shall With [Dree?] an Say No more
Sending you My Best Love an Respects
CinCer Well Wishes
L. H. Miles To Mrs
E Fuller
- Mur fees Bur Ro = Murphy’s Burrow