Camp Dowd Novembur
Camp Dowd Decembur the 1 fus
My Deareley and belove it is with a trem
bling hand a lov ing heart that I
take my pen in hand to rite to you one
line more to let you know that I
am well hopeing you are inJoying
good health I have rote to you and have
[to?] recieve any ansuier but I will S[t]ill kwep
a rite ing untill I find out that
you ant a going to rite to me I think
you have Sherley forgeten me one that
loves you So deare I will tell you a
bou[t] us going to move a gain I rote to you
that that wee wod leave here Some time a
go bu it was a falts report that I herd
but wee will leave her to morowu
night with out a dou leave fur
Savanah Georgia I havent tim to
rite anymore I hafta fix up my close
and cook prvisions to take with us
Nothing more at presant only you remain
my loving and affectan friend untill
death from John N Dale to
Sarah Jane Honnoll