

October 28th 1856 dear sun I hav once more
the privlige of addresing a few lines to
in forming of our helth and destreses we thank
god that what is a living is in tolrible helth
and I hobe these lines may find you and family
in good helth and dooing well I recevd you leter
and was glad to hear that you all was well and
doo ing well and you must excuse me for not
righting to you be fore this time we hav had
a very sick family tex aner cam from Rich
mond on a visit and was taken sick with a fea
ver was sick for sum six weakes be fore the
feaver was broke then she was intily deranged
for sum too or three weakes but as she gained
her stength her mind improved tho at one time
in the time of ilness she was as we thort as good
as ded but we turned her over and the fleam mo
ved from the brthing lungs and revivd and now
is going a bout but that is not the worst in
the time of tex aners ilness sally ann was tak
en with the feave and affection of the wome
and a morty fy cation took place of the wome
and she departed this life the first day of sep
tember then marthy Rebcky and talor sally
anes litle sun was both taken with a fever and
now thay ar going a bout all this is the reasen that
i hav not answer you leter be fore know I
never hav had any thing to go so hard with me
be fore it was so hard for me to giv her up but I
[page 2]
think she died a christin and trust now at rest
with all the santyfied and the just maid pufected in
heaven she never murmer in all of her ill ness
she appeard to be perfectly resined to deth she
was delarus several day be fore she ded she never
said any a but her children nor a bout any thing a
tall but I think that she was well satisfid that I
wood take cear of them as long as I livd hear funnil
will be peached the sattur day be fore the thurd
sunday in november at .3. oclock in the Eavin[?]
we had a leter from harriet last weak and royal
was very ill with to docttors with him thay all will
at williams and Eduines and jurdenes you unkles
nathanes wife died the 17th of this month we had
a protractted meten at the union church commence
the thurd sunday in september and hel 8 days and
it was glorous times the lord was with us thar was 16
or 17 profed to be convrted and James was one of the
number and John henry sally anes oldes sun a
and the thurd sunday in this month thar was 16 bapt
sed John saintclar has profed but not baptsed
yet corn is worth $5oo wheat $15o¢ coffee 15¢ sugar
14¢ tobcco is varus prices from $7 to 30 dollors the
shiping from good to is worth from 8 to 19 dollars I
I got 10 to 15: 16 and 17 dollors I not more thean a
half a crop of tobacco this year and half a
crop of wheat and I dont think that that I
shall make more then ten barreles of
good corn and not much of the indifrant sort
[page 3]
you told me that that you had a notion of going
cansis this fall what is your notion for going
thar can you tell me if you can d[asire?] me
that you get as much work as you can doo what
more can you doo if you go can you doo more work
work thar than you can doo hear you say you
get a small prise hear and you will get much
smaller prise prce thar so my advise is not
go but if you move any whar move to Rich
mond you migt make money thar Jurden
has bin in richmond 3 years and he has saved
be twen 3 and 500 dollors and went thar with
out any trade and wat wod you doo with a good
trad you might make more he dus tell
lissy to right to me a gain and take panen
so that I can read it bless her litle hands
dudly I think that you wod doo well in Ri
chmond if you got to canses what doo you think
you will doo thar in that fresh cuntry whar
every thing high to liv on and no money to be got
holt of I think the old states is best with you
ar a abborlshon in princible then these free
stats wood doo to hav free nigros for assoatats
I think you had beter giv over the ida of cances
tho you no best I wod not go thar for the best 2000
acors of land in the state all the neighbours
ar well at this time all [joine?] to you and family
kis lisy for me and tell her to learn her book
[page 4]
and tell her she must be good girl and to read
the scipturs and try to be a cristan so that
we may mee eich other in heaven dudley liv a crs
tians life tell your childen of the goodness of god
and wat geat things Jesus crist has dun to sav
us from tor ment tell them crist died to sav
sines tell them all a bout the plan of sal
vation and what a happy thing it is to be a chrs
tian in this world and after deth to enter in to
that rest that remains for the peple of god
tell lisy that I wood be very glad to see her
and giv her a good huging I must conclude the
times us will be very hard in this part of the
cuntry next year for meat and bred bacon
has sold in this neighbour hood this summer
for 18 and 20 cents a pound James B is as large
as I am he is going to school sally an has left
five vry enterresting the first is John henry
thomas [???] talor Ben jaman munro
and but one daughtor and her name is
cathren a lzebet but we call her betty
she is one of the smartest little girsl you mu
st eve see Every body sees her says she is very
smart excuse bad speling righting all
wishes to se you all & all sends thar love to
family right soon tell me how meny children
you have and thar names you had beter not goto
canses I remain your affectiant
farter in tell deth } H Cosby

October 28, 1856


Residence (County): 
Amelia County, VA



From State: 
From County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
February, 2009
Proof Date: 
February, 2009

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    University of Georgia
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