Shelbyville Ten July 8/62
Mother & Father
I thought I would
write you a few lines to let you
know that I am doing very well
at presant and hope you are the
same they say they are a going
to break up the Hospitals here
in a week or two and send us
all up to nashvill so you had bitter
not write untill you hear from me
again so there will not be any
letters come here that I will not get
It is most awful hot down here hotter
than it is farther north I believe
Every once in a while some of the
Boys come in a puffing and Blowing
from a train up town where we have
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accres to go. There were about 40 of the
38th Ind boys lif here last night
and all were sent to nashvill
this morning they will all go
to their Regint away down in
the Tennessee River bottom some wher heard
from the boys the other day
they were all well ther
I do not know whether you can
read this letter or not for my
Hand Trembles so that I can hardly
hold the pen I sent my papers
to Huntsville. Ala. to get the signature
to them for I have not seen Leut
Burd since he gave me orders to
make out new ones for my old
ones were of not much use to me
I made out new papers for our boys
that were here I shall go to nashvill
as soon as I get my paper back from
Huntsville If nothing else does not happen
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it will take a week for them to
go and come that is if they go safe through
which I hope they will I am gitting
fat and hearty here and would be
all right if it was not for my
belly which troubles me considerabl
it hurts me to walk much so
I keep still as much as I can
I hope I will get all right again
for I would like to see it out
but I does not look much like it
for I cannot ride a horse and I can
not walk so I am in a predicament
Giv emy best respects to all Engiving
friends and Relations
Yours Respy
Chas H. Sowle
do not write
untill you hear
from me again
for I expect to go to nashvil
in 3 or 4 days