

[top of all the letter pages are torn]

Sept 2<?> [1863]
Mrs. Isreal
Dear Madam :
I am ex-
treme ly pained that it becomes my
duty to inform you of the sorrowful
result of a dreadful battle in which
we were engaged on the 19th20thinst
Sorrowful in its re-sults to many wives
and mothers, Fathers, Sisters and Brothers
throughout the North West, and South.
We engaged the enemy 12 miles South
West of this place and as our Brigade
re-lieved another <at?> a time when the
rebels were gaining ground, they fought
us very fiercely but were shortly re-
pulsed. They rallied, however, and
shortly engaged us again furiously,
we returning their fire with so much
vigor as to silence much of their firing
when we charged them and made
them run and we captured the 5
U.S. Battery, but our victory was a [page 2]
<?? over which Co. A could <??>d
exultant, for we had lost in the firing
before the charge was made one of
our most valuable comrades, 'tis hard
to say the word that falls so heavily on
you, your honored husband. He was at
his post doing his duty manfully, when
a ball passed into the side of his head and
out at the neck. He never spoke again.
I know how useless it is to multiply words
to one who is so stricken with grief as you
must be at the loss of one so near so dear, but
it may be some consolation to you to be
informed that he was beloved and respect
-ed by all the Co. and every man of the
company sympathizes with you deeply
in this your great trial. You have the
consolation of knowing that though
others were traitors he lov'd his country
and better ten thousand times better off
to-day is he, than those who, while he
gave his life for his country, were
wrangling & speaking treason and
[page 3]
Flaunting butter nut <emt??>
I will just say that though he did not
profess re-ligion yet he was very moral
and upright not going to excess in the
many follies so frequently engaged in by
soldiers. He seemed to realize his danger
but shrank not from duty because the
path was a dagerous one. The loss to
the company of his valuable services
will be greatly felt, and we heartily con
dole with you and pray God to sustain
you, that the burthen be not too hard
to bear. Let us cherish his memory as
one whose example is a glorious one
and his death one to be coveted by all
who dearly love their country Let us
hope that, though not one to boast, or
talk' of religion, & act it not, his uniform
by good disposition & quiet demeanor as
well as reverence for that which was
good & was derived from a source known
only to him and his God and that in the
hour of his dissolution his spirit went
[page 4]
<????> <merciful> Creator, and may He who
tempers the wind to the shorn lamb
sustain you and those whose loss is so
great in this affliciting dispensation is the
prayer of
Yours respectfully J. A. Burnham
P.S. His effects are all in Thomas J. Sayers'
possession and he will for ward them to
you as soon as possible. His body was laid
out and a blanket spread over him, but
the enemy got the ground before we could
bury him. Phineas Hopkins was shot
through the left arm and breast the next
day & killed. Thirteen of the 60, was wounded
but all in a fair way to get well.
Wilber <Tatman?> was wounded in the arm
not seriously, but is supposed to have fallen
into the hands of the enemy.
J. A. B.
[writing on the left margin]
I dont want to loose
<??> <attum?> <tus?>

September 21, 1863


87th Indiana Infantry (Co. A)
Sergeant (later Captain)
Residence (County): 
Jasper County, IN


Residence (County): 
Jasper County, IN


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Jennifer Felder
Transcription Date: 
February, 2015
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
March, 2015

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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