

Camp Hardee nere Savannah Sept 20 1862
Dear wief I Seat my Self to rite you a
gane I have not got nothing of importance
to rite you this leaves me well hopeing
it will reach you and the childering
enJoying the Same blessing it has bin
raining very hard all day here we have
nothing to do to day no how as it is
Saturday it has bin a lonesum day for me
I have not herd from you this week and
I am getting verry anccious to here from
you I want to here how little cissey is when
you rote befor She was Sick and I have bin very
uneasey about her ever Since you rote
I would like see her you no but no chance
when I was out on pickett Thursday me
and Sum of the boys Sliped of and went
over in a boat on willmington Island
went down on the lower end of it rite
next to Fort Pulaski we could See
the fort as plain as you
can see Fathers house from ours
[page 2]
I could see the Cannon and the
Sentinels plane & the Stars Stripes floating
over the fort and thare were 7 large war vessels
lying nere it on the point where I was
is the pretteyst place I have seen
on the coast any where thare has
bin sum fine houses thare but
the yankes have burnt them up thare
is a large Orrange Orched here Just
as full as you ever Saw an apple
tree I eat as many as I could eat
I eat 7 and brought 36 off with me and
that night the boys eat all but 12 I am
a going to bring them home when I
come if no body dont get them before
Elec Volentine he got a half Bushell
in his drawers if the yanks had have
none that we had bin thare tha would
have Shelled us Shure the yankeys
come on that Island ever day or
two we Saw lots of tracks were tha
had bin a short time before
[page 3]
I saw where the 76 NY Reg had
written there names on a house and
the 28 Massichutts Reg the head officers
found out Sum of the boys had bin
thare (but did not noe wich ones) and sed
if any more went over thare tha
would have them punished for sum
of these days the yanks will take them
all prisners the party that went with
me was John Maxwell Wm Strickland [Dock Corner?]
and Alec Volentine but we kept a
bright look out all the time we all
had Enfield Rifles and plenty of
Cartridges and if we had Struck
up with a Small party of yanks
we would have given them fight
and if tha had bin may we would
have saved our Selfs by flight
thare is sum noble Farmes on
that Island good land and
the best warter I have Seen
any where in this Country
[page 4]
I Saw where the 13 Ga regement
had that fight with the yanks sum
time a go thare is a ma[n]y of a
Bullet in the trees and fence I
Saw where 14 Bullets went through
a small gait the fight commenced
in a yard but the 13th soon put
the yanks to flight and got 60 prisners
I saw where Sum balls had struck
trees 25 feet from the groud
we have Glorious accounts from
Virginnia and Tennissee and if
we hold on whiping them I think
the war will soon close and
god send how soon kiss the
childering for me and tell them
papa will be home after a while
to see them if furlowing dont
Stop So I must come to a close
no more only remain your affectionet
Husband untel death A,J, White
rite soon and dont keap nothing back rite all
the nuse I love to get long letters

September 20, 1862


Company C, 30 GA Infantry ("Campbell Sharpshooters"); Bank's Partisan Rangers, 21 GA Cavalry [summer 1862 only]


Wife of Andrew J. White


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 
From Note: 
Camp Hardee


To State: 
To County: 
To Note: 
Modern-day Fulton

Transcription/Proofing Info

Shiloh Peters
Transcription Date: 
July, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2011

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
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eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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