

Camp Hardee sept 26 } 62
Dear wief I rote you a letter
on yesterday but did not get to send it
untel to day & I thought I would rite a gane
this Leaves me well hopeing it will find
you & the childering the Same Sam Worthy
brought me a leter from J H Alecsander
this morning I exspected to get a letter from
you by him but I did not John B Danforth give
me the one you sent by him I was glad to
here from you that you was all well
and that is the sort of letter that I Like to
get a long one John told me he saw you
all me and him went to the salt works
this morning but we did not get any
Salt I had engageed 5 Bushells for Father but
Salt has taken a Sudent rise and he would
not let me have it I will go a Sundy
down to Beaulieu and see what I can do
thar on the Salt question I will send you
50 dollars soon you send 25 dollars to [Nip?]
and get the Sack of Salt from him that I bought from
him I here that thare is confederate officers going
over the Country examineing the Smoke houses
and corn & where thare is any to Share
the[y] Seasit if it is so you must try to hide
Sum if you can if it is so it will have abad
effect thare is Sum of the Capts
here say that if tha go to Seasing the Solgers famleys
provisions at home tha will Stick thar bayonets
in the ground and go home but Capt Maguirk
ant one of them for I dont think he would
[?]sent anything atall we have not got but
[page 2]
officer in our Company that would
[one?] and that is John Danforth he will
contend for his & his mens rites to the last
the other officers are entirely to easy
thare was a man from Company B the next
company to ours got drounded last wendsday
he fill over bord of the boat and sunk
to rise no more untel the see gives
up her dead tha draged a long time for
him but could not find him thare is a
good eal of chills & Fever in Camps now
I rote you that I would be home the
last of October but you nead not lok for
me now for tha recruits will not get to co[me?]
soon I woud not be suprised if tha got to
come home before Spring if tha do then
I had for the first time yestrday since I bin here
as much Bacon Beans and to mattoes as I could
eat tha was good shore & I will have a nothe
mess for Diner to day Margaret I want
you to be Sure and rite often I will not nead
any more close only and over Coat for
a long time I get my washing done
I have to pay ten cents a garment for it
the Camps is the place to find a man out shore
I have noed men to do things here that I never
would have thought tha wold have Stooped
so Loo I will name no names but I can tell you
a heap when I see you I have neve had across
mark made against me yet and dont think
thare ever will be I do my duty cherfully as
any I must come to a close So fere well for the
present rite Soon I remain your affection Husband untel
death AJ White

September 26, 1862


Company C, 30 GA Infantry ("Campbell Sharpshooters"); Bank's Partisan Rangers, 21 GA Cavalry [summer 1862 only]


Wife of Andrew J. White


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 
From Note: 
Camp Hardee


To State: 
To County: 
To Note: 
Modern-day Fulton

Transcription/Proofing Info

Shiloh Peters
Transcription Date: 
July, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2012

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