Savannah Nov th 19 1862
Dear Brother I drop
you these lines I am not
very well at present hopeing
it will find you all well
I not much to rite thare
has bin heavy fireing
at Genises point but I hav
not herd the perticlers of it
yet you have wanted
to go in to a speculation
if you could buy up a lot
of apples and send me
I could make mony on
them it is a mightey Sorroy
apples here that wont sell
for 50 cts a dosen
a Bushel of common apples
would count out a good
many dosen I exspect you
could buy them from
the Mcclarteys 2 or 3 dollars a Bushel
or if could not buy them thare you could
in Marietta I ges try it and send me
a few Bushell I could make money on them
at 4 dollars you could give an Ideer how many
dosen a Bushell would Count out and see
what Buter and Eggs could be baught at in
Marietta I rote Margaret what the prices
are here rite soon so no more only
remain yours asever A,J, White
[page 2]
if you Send me any thing
to sell direct A.J. White
30 Reg Ga vols
and take a receipt for it