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I sent you a letter to Fergasons the time I sent
Joe one
Camp price near Savannah Ga Nov 30 1862
Dear Margaret I received your
letter and box to day and you had better
believe It come in a good time I got back to
Camps to day about 3 Oclock off of Pickett and
was verry hungery and the box had come
and I red your & Joes letter and was glad
to here that all was well and then pi[t]ched in
on the box and opened hit and I was more
than pleased with the contents of that ever thing
come Safe and Sound the Shirt fits the best
kind and the Coat does Just as well as I could
wish the minute I tryed it on I was offered
35 dollars in cash for it but 50 dollars could not
buy it the pyes and chiken was Just as good as
it was the day you started it here and I am
more than a thousand obliged to you for it I will
send you a box this week in care of [D???]
a bout the last of the week you send for it
and you will find some thing in it for all
you Nath Lipsscomb got a box
of provishions by the Capt we can live fine
now no body in the mess but me and him and
[a?] house to our selfse and that is the reson we [1]
went in to a mess together so when we got a
box from home it would do sum good
[I?] rote to you not to send the brandy now
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