Savannah Ga March the 8 1863
WW. Bomer
Dear Sir I Seat my Self
this Eavning to drop you a few lines
this leaves me well hopeing it will
find you engoying the same
blessing I have not got any thing
to write that would interrest you
Thare has bin considerable
excitement here for the last two
weeks but it is a bout over I believe
the yanks fleets are reported to have
gone back to wards charlston
the shell Fort Mcalister last Tuesday &
Tusday night pretty heavy but it did not mount
to any thing Fort Mcalister is at
Genisass point on the Ogeechee River
I have no notion that thare ever
will be much fighting done
here for I dont think ever can land
here with the defences there is here
rite soon I must close so no
more only remain yours as ever
[??] AJ White [1]
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