Nov 12th 1862
Emry henry colledge 10 miles
east of Abingdon
Dear Wife I take my pen
in hand to inform you
that I am geting well
as fast as I ever did
I am in a small room
with four others it is a
warm plastered room
with a good fier place in
it and chairs a plenty
I get a plenty to eat
and I am very well sat
isfied Jess and henry
is very satisfied
Bill Eivens is geting on
as well as any body
I want to see you very
but it is not worth
while to talk a bout
what ever you do
dont let Willie use
bad words nor fight
you nor no body else
[page 2]
this is a butiful little
it is mostly brick
there is from two to
three hundread sick
at this place
the place where our
battalion is going it
frosts every month in
the year
we have had the
largest snow that ever
I seen it was 7 inches deep
on the ground
so nothing at this time
but your loveing
friend until death
J. A. McMurtrey