

Sept 2nd 1862 [September 2nd mistake for December 2nd ]
camp look out near
tasell county
Dear Wife I take my pen
in hand to let you know
that I am well at
presant hopeing that
this will find you well
and Willie well also
I receive you letter of
Nov 16th to day whitch
gave me grate satisfaction
to here that you and my
Sweet little Willie was
well you wanted
me to rite to you all
about our trip to ken
tuckey when ever I
think of riteing to you
about that I dont
know what to rite first
for I seen so mutch that
I cant rite it if I was at
home I would tell aheep
[page 2]
I have sent you fifty dollar
by mail to thomas
kile and I rote to him
not to let any body
have it but you or
your father
I want you to buy
two beef hides one large
one and one small one
if you can and get
uncle John to tan
them for leather
will be very hie next
fall and you will
want some shoes next
winter for you and Will
and perhaps I will to
you wanted to know how
I was satisfied did you
ever see a man satisfied
a way from home I am
as well satisfied as a
man can be a way from
home and my baby
[page 3]
I dont whant you to
be uneasy a bout me
for I am doing as well
as I could expect to do
in camps for I get a
plenty to eat
I am doing very well
I was glad to hear that
you had got that money
I have got another over
I was glad to hear that
Willie and you was well
if you think you will
need any more corn
you had better buy
it now for it will
be a heep hier next
henry and Jess and
Bill is well
henry says that he
wants his dady to rite
to him turn over
[page 4]
I want you to rite to
me as often as you can
and let me know
what you do for wood
I want you to take
good cear of your self
and Willie and not
him go out in the
rain and cold
dont let him use
bad words nor fight
it is very coald and
is snowing while I am
so I must come to a
close by saying I re
main your friend
until death good bye
J. A McMurtrey
there is one thing more I
have not told my love
is like a ring of goud
it is firm it is pure it has
no end so is my love to you my friend

December 2, 1862


Company B, 9 GA Infantry


Wife of James A. McMurtrey


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 
From Note: 
Camp Lookout


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Melody Hargiss
Transcription Date: 
April, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2012

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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