January 23rd 1863
Dear Wife it is with pleasure
I take my seat to drop you
a few lines to inform you
that I am well at presant
hopeing this will find you
and my sweet Willie both well
Bill Jess and henry is
I receved your letter of the
21st of Dec whitch gave me
grate satisfaction I was glad
to hear from you and to
hear that you and little
was well the 5th of Jan
I receved a letter rote Oct 2nd
that was while I was in ken
tuckey I was glad to get it
cindy if you pleas rite
oftener I want you to
look over me for not
riteing oftener for I have
had no ink till to day
[page 2]
you rote in your last letter
you wanted me and henry
to send you and mamma
some salt we would be glad
to do so if we could we can get
the salt but there is no way
to get it to you
you rote also that tom and
levi Wilson was at home and
they said they had 60 days
furlough it is a lie for
they have no sutch a thing
un less they rote it there
it is needless for me to say
that I would like to be at
it is useless to say that it
is very cold
we have had 16 snows
this winter and as many
rains and freeses we have
but little sun shine here
[page 3]
when I rote to you last I was
at saltville with out any
tents we had to do the best
we could in the rain and
snow and had nothing
to eat for one day and
night but parched corn
and it raining and snow
ing all the time
we have got back to Jeffer
sonville and some of the
Battalion is gone to their
winter quarters all of the
wagoners have to stay at
town but they have got
houses to stay in
tell your father that
I seen sanford Johnson
at saltville he is working
there and gets 100
dollars amonth
he told a heep to rite to you
but I have forgot it he is going
home in april he said he call and see you
[page 4]
direct your letters to Jef
fersonville in cear of capt
I will send you a peice
headed prospects of peace
I will send you some
money as soon as I can
get to send it to the rail
road I know no chance to
send it by any person
I will have to send it
to Mr kile by mail
I dont want you to
let any person cut any
green timber on our
land for I dont want
the timber distroyed
abroham horton Jasper horton
W.R Eivens and my self
stay in a little room 14 feet
I must come to a close by
saying I remain yours un
til death J. A. McMurtrey