

february 10th 1863
Jeffersonville tasell county
Dear Wife I take this oppertunity
to write you a few lines to
let you know that I am
well at presant except cold
hopeing these lines may find
you and little Willie and all
of the connection all well
I wrote you a letter I beleive it
was the 4th of this month and
another one the 7th and I said
I wont write no more until
I get a letter this morning I
went to the office and I got
your letter wrote Jan 18th 1863
how glad I was to get it and I
was mutch glader to hear that
you all was well
you said you did not know
how I slept with my clothes
frozen on me it is not all
the time I have done it
I can sleep just as good that
a way as if I was on a feather bed
[page 2]
you said you had got the
fifty dollars that I sent
to you I am glad of that
you said you sent letters
and other things by Lieut
guess the things has not come
yet they are at Abingdon
they will come before long
you said you had heard that
we did not get enuff to eat
while we was at saltville we
had nothing for two day
and night to eat but par
ched corn and was glad to
get it we had enuff of it
since we come back we have
drawed our rashings and
we have throwed them a
way and bought a apart
of what we eat
they killed a cow one day
that the day before had a
calf and give it to us to eat
and we throwed it a way
[page 3]
so you see that we get a plenty
to eat but being very tasty
and geting the large a mount
of eleven dollars a month
and by that means having
a plenty of money and not
knowing what to do with it
we though [1] a way a bout
half of what we draw
we have a plenty to eat and
good houses to stay in
did you ever hear of Soldiers
doing any better than
that I say that we are
doing well we are place
in the coldest county in
virginia far a way from
home friend or relations
no furloughs allowed
not allowed the privalige
of a negro and a plenty
and that that is good to
eat who would not be
a Soldier – Not Me
[page 4]
you said that you was go
ing to try to get the land
attended that is wright
I was sorry to hear that you
did not get any milk
we have a heep of cold weath
er this winter
we have had 21 snows
this winter
Jess Henry and Bill is
well except cold
Hamilton Wade is missing
I expect he is gone home
I wrote a heep more than
I thought I would when
I commensed
so I will close by saying
I remain your until
death J. A McMurtrey
show my
letters to your
father folk and all
inquiering friend
if any

  1. though = throw
February 10, 1863


Company B, 9 GA Infantry


Wife of James A. McMurtrey


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Melody Hargiss
Transcription Date: 
April, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2012

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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