November 17th 1863
I have just heared from
the Battle field our men
gained the day on yesterday
and camped on the Battle
field our Battalion went
up to the frunt on yester
day morning and company
E and a part of company
A was ordered to fier
on the enemy all of our
Battalion was exposed to
the enemies fier all day
and only got one man
killed he got his leg and
both of his hands shot off
he was taken to the hospital
he was in his sences until
he died he told all the
boys good bye and wished
them grate service in the
rest of the Battle
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and died like a man he
belong to company A
one of company E got
wounded in both of his
hands lieutenant lof
ton got his horse killed
and some of our ca
sons got tore to peices
that is all the hurt
our Battalion recived
company B was not there
what I have rote is so and
they are in 9 miles of
knoxville and going on
if I have the
time I will rite
good bye
J. A. McMurtrey