April the 24th 1864
we are camped at hickory station NC
Dear Wife I take this oppertunity to drop
you a few lines to let you know that
I am well this eavning
I hope that this will come to your hand
in due time and find you well and doing
well tell Willie that I want to see
him and the baby mity bad but as I
cant I want him to be a good boy if
he dont the bad man will get him
tell france that bill is well and that
he got a letter from her last night
tell Mary that Jack has just come
from Bristol he is well but tiard
tell your Mamma that Jess is well
and got back from Bristol last night
and said that he left henry at Bristol
sick he said that henry began to com
plain with the tooth ake before he got
to Bristol and when he left his jaw
was sweelled considerably and that
he was just pokeing a bout
tell Mr Brooks that Joe has not got
back from Bristol yet but is comeing
tell Mr heard that frank is well
and said that he wanted him to rite to him
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I have nothing of interest to write to you
at this time only I got 2 letters from
you last night and was glad to hear
you and the children was well and that
you had got that money that I sent to
you and had got the comb too
we draw one pound of meal or flour
and one third of a pound of meat to
the man a day the boys get as mutch
as the men but the worst is not
told yet them that is at bristol gets
only three crackers a day to the man
and Jess said that there was not any
thing to be got in ten miles of camp
I am glad that I am not there and
I wish that henry was a way from there
Direct your letters to Bristol tenn
we are under general Buckner now
general long street is gone to richmon
I am glad that they have left us
with with general Buckner
I have got 4 letters from you and have
rote this is 9 to you
I want you to rite as often as you
and I will do the same good bye
J.A. McMurtrey to lucinda McMurtrey