June 20 1862
Chattanooga Tenn Hamulton Co
Dear brother I take my pen
in hand to let you know
that I am well as common
but I have got the lamen [1]
shits hoping those few lins
will find you all well and
doing well I have bin to
knoxvill and I seen
some of the compney that
John was in but I dident
see John he was gon in
the mountens on a scout
we have took some of the best
rides that you ever went
eney whare on the care [2]
I tell you hit was like
eating milk and mush
with Spoons I tell you
[page 2]
I cod live on hit with
out eating me and al
is tolero[??] well satisfide
you must come and tak
a bate of fliters with
me and al come and see
how good we can fri them
rite to me how they are
all are if they are well
or not and rite as soon
as you get this letter
part of our boys in the hose
pitel twenty seven of
them at atlanter Joh
and bob is in hit we think
eney of them is dangers
onley bill ramsey he
has got the fever all
the rest is th measel and
[page 3]
me and Henry has
seen the most pritse
girls you ever seen
we runawy som times
and Stay with them a
while and hug them but
we had drother hug
Some of the flins vill
Girls me and Henry want
you to tell all houdy
for us and tell all
the girls to not for
get us I sent twenty
Dollars by James Miller
and he said he would
go and see you about
hit and if he dont you
go and see him about
hit and if he has Spent
[page 4]
eney of hit make him
give you some shoing
fer hit if you hant
bin and seede Sam
and if you have go and
Sew him and if you have
to pay the cost I will
pay you we have
herd garate nuse from
ferginey if hit sow so
nothing more James Wadkins
a few rods to pegy and
sinty & elisebeth I want to
see you all the worst you ever
seen I want you all to rite
to me I want pegy to rite
to me as soon as you get
this letter Frans I ha[n]t
got but one word to
as here Wm Wadkins
- lamming = excessive, large, violent
- care = railcar