Jackson Miss Jan 25th 1863
Mr James Watkins and Lady
I take the time to drop you afew lines
to let you know that i am well at present
and hopes that this will reach you and
find all right Dick and John Watkins
is withus and is well my company
is in good health generally now though
we are expecting a case of Small pock every
day as i Suppose you had heard of G. F.
Payne having the Small pock
there is right smart of it in camps
now though i have not heard of any
case that has proved fatal yet.
Tell Mr. David Watkins that i have not
Seen Robert J. Watkins yet I heard of
him when i was in Atlanta Geo that
he had gone to his company but when
the company came up they had not
seen him nor we have not heard of
him sence though i suppose
he has written home before now
we have been here for some time
[page 2]
but i recan we will not remain
much longer as we are under orders
to be reddy to march at a moments
warning we are ordered to vicks-
burge the federals is pressing on that
point now i heard cannon i
that way for two days it is 45 miles
there by Rail Road it is level all the
way Some of our Brigade is now gone
every thing is very high here Eggs 100 Doz
Butter 100 lb chickens 100 each Sausage
75 cts lb flour 50 lb retail shoes $15. pare
coffee $4 lb Sugar 30 cts lb &c. &c.
I must come to a close i send
my best wishes to you all and
hopes to be back in old Franklin [Franklin County]
after peace is made and enjoye
the Satisfaction that there is to be
injoyed withe old friends and home
write when you can i remain
yours &c. C Chitwood
capt co I 34th Regt Geo vol
Jackson Miss