[The regiment had recently moved to the Savannah area]
January the 16th 1862 Dear Father I imbrace
the opportunity to write you a few
lines tolet you know how we are geting
along James and John are well except
Jamses hand he burnt it with a burning
Iron since we mooved here though it
is geting well. I havent seen a well day
since I had the Measls though I have
bin able to be about our streets a little not
much. well I will way something about
the money I drew. I drew $23 I sent you $15
by Dr. Sapington I kept the balance not
knowing when I might need it. I had to
borrow some when I was first taken sick
Paper is Scers at this time
and I have to buy sum few things yet so I
only have $4 ½ dollars left. well Father I have
no news only we have mooved up on the Macon
and Savanah Rail Road 4 miles above Savanah
Tip and brother John are in the Hospital John is
thare weighting on Tip he is very sick . we have
not seen them yet though I think I will soon see
them, Father tell Mothe to send me a little dried
frut if she pleases [L?]ut Hurt or [???]
[added upside down at bottom of page]
Nothing more at presan
Direct your letter to Savana