knoxville tennesee June the 25. 1862 dear wife
and childin I tak the pleashure of writing
you a few lines to let you know that I am
in tolerable health at present hoaping thes
few lines may find you well I have a bad
coald we had to do without any ting to eat
nealy two days our fair is tolerable rough I had
to send my quilt to atlanta we are not allowd
but one quilt they have taken our tentes from
use we hante allod any thing but what we can toat
I want to see you and the childrin I want you
to rwrit to me as soon as you receive this and
let me know how you are a getin along and let me
know you are a geting with yore crop and let
me know whethr they was any wheat made
[page 2]
or not we hav movd from chattanooga we are now
at knoxville we donte expect to stay here long I
expect will leave here in a few days we will go a
bout 12 milds from here they killd one yanky at
chatanooga and taken four prisners they was one
of our men wounded and I suppose that he is
dead this was dun by the pickets a fighting a
cross the river we expect to bein to a battle
shortly I want you to write to me as soon as
receiv this for I want to here from you you
know how bad I want to see you and the chil
drin direct yore letter to knoxville tennesee
I hav never receivd but one letter from you
so I must close re mains yorse truly un tell
death W tomperson to Charlotta J tompson